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garment making supplies

Essential Garment Making Supplies

The art of sewing and making your own garments is a commendable skill to have, and if you’re looking to take up the craft, we want to fully support you in your endeavors. However, in order to improve and make high-quality garments that you are proud of, there are some essential garment making supplies you need to get ahold of to make the process effective and easier on yourself.

Tape Measure

A tape measure will be your best friend when it comes to accurately sizing and proportioning your garments. The flexibility of the tape measure makes it a must-have over a rigid ruler because it can wrap around and take the measurements of you or the person you’re making garments for. This knowledge is invaluable to correctly sizing the clothes and determining the amount of fabric you’ll need.

Sewing Machine Needles

A common oversight is getting ahold of a sewing machine but not having spare needles for the machine. The needle of the machine will eventually wear down and become blunt, which may cause ineffective or sloppy results when sewing your garments. Different sizes of needles are also available to fulfill various sewing needs.

Hand Sewing Needles

It’s always a good idea to prepare a kit of hand sewing needles. Sometimes, a stitching or embroidery project will require a fine-tuned touch that your sewing machine can’t provide. Hand sewing will allow you to give your garments a personal touch that only someone with deft hands could accomplish.

Fabric Scissors

A common mistake is assuming normal scissors are just as good as fabric scissors. Fabric scissors are essential garment making supplies, as they are designed specifically to cut fabric cleanly and efficiently. Dull scissors will damage your fabric with messy cuts with frayed ends.


For waistbands, collars, and sleeves, you’ll need to supply yourself with wholesale elastic. These elastics have a few variants you’ll need to consider for your specific needs. Knitted elastics are strong, soft, and keep their shape when they’re stretched, whereas braided elastics narrow when they are stretched, which is ideal for waistbands.

Tailor’s Chalk

Since you obviously can’t use markers or pencils on your fabrics, as they’ll either be ineffective or ruin the garment, you can use tailor’s chalk to mark measurements and add other temporary marks to the fabric that won’t damage or leave behind stains.

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